Do You Find Yourself ...

Worrying about What People Think: Constantly worrying about how others perceive you and having a strong desire to be liked.

People Pleasing: Habitually overextending yourself to please others, which often leads to burnout and feelings of resentment.

Negative Self-Talk: Engaging in harsh self-criticism, setting unreasonably high expectations for yourself.

Overthinking: Ruminating excessively about potential outcomes, especially fearing failure and worrying about things not working out.

Procrastination: Delaying tasks due to persistent doubts, so "in your head" about your abilities that you fail to take massive action.

Low Confidence: Feeling the need to conceal your true self and presenting a 'perfect' version to others in order to be accepted, feeling anxious & insecure 

You are tired of these sabotaging behaviors but you can't seem to break out it the cycle. It feels like it's "always been this way" ...

I am here to show you that this can change. 

Understand that it's not 'just you' — these are common challenges many face due to ingrained subconscious programs from early childhood experiences.

But these symptoms are of deeply rooted limiting beliefs.

You can change by discovering the transformative power of hypnosis - it’s a journey to rewire your mind and dismantle the deep-rooted beliefs that hold you back from your highest potential.

It's not just about change; it's about upgrading your entire outlook and approach to life.

Introducing Subconscious Evolution

Unlock your Brain's Hidden Power with Hypnosis for only $297

In 90 days, this program will help you

Boost Self-Confidence: Unleash a more assertive and vibrant version of yourself.

✅ Eliminate Negative Self Talk: Transform your inner dialogue into a source of strength and positivity.

✅ Discover True Authenticity: Embrace and express your genuine self without fear.

✅ Take New Risks: Step out of your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities for success.

✅ Create Stronger Boundaries: Learn the art of saying no and prioritize your well-being.

✅ Feel Purpose and Strength: Align with your core values for a more fulfilling life.

Experience all of this and life on your terms with this exclusive 3 part program bundle.

Why Hypnosis?

Imagine running into an invisible wall, every, single, day.

You feel like “something is in you way”

Over and over, day after day…

It robs you of your momentum.

Now imagine this...

One day you go for that same run, but now.. the wall is gone.

That’s what hypnosis does.

It levels the playing field so you can build momentum and instead of hitting that invisible wall everyday, finally taking massive action with confidence towards the life you deserve.

Here’s what hypnosis and working with me have done for my clients:

What My Clients Say

“In one month I closed more sales than any prior month and noticed a distinct improvement in my EQ. Powerful techniques & powerful outcomes if you want to uplevel your life. ”

Brett Erik, Entrepreneur

“Kyra has played a pivotal role in my personal and professional development, collaborating with me to enhance my emotional intelligence and eliminate mental barriers, ultimately propelling me towards greater success in every facet of my life. ”

Alburt L, Entrepreneur

“The return on investment was priceless. I reached new milestones of success with ease. With deeper EQ, I live with more peace in the decisions I make in my life. I often think about the work, it was life changing. ”

Lisa Tran, Tutor Boss

“I gained a new found confidence, clarity, and an overall sense of ease. I took back my power. I landed the biggest. life long dream, opportunities of my career to date.”

Autumn H, Entrepreneur, Designer

“Working with Kyra has been the best investment I made in myself and subsequently my business. ”

Kayla D, Entrepreneur, Designer

I understand the skepticism, hesitance, and resistance that come with real change. 

Let's address some common questions about hypnosis - its efficacy, the commitment involved, and the science behind the change.

Everyone feels stuck in certain areas of life.

It’s not a YOU thing…

It’s the hidden wall we were just talking about, they’re called limiting beliefs.

Think about it like this. 

Your brain is like a supercomputer. 

It’s constantly processing, categorizing and optimizing.

The default program functions, but times change and updates are required.

Viruses get downloaded by accident and need to be deleted.

And new software programs need to be installed for optimization.

Limiting beliefs are like viruses; they create vulnerabilities, limiting the potential of the computer and making you think this is “normal to operate this way. "That it can’t get better."

You see, limiting beliefs have been placed on you in childhood by parents, schooling, religion, society. 


These programs get created during the ages 0-7, where you spend the majority of those years developing in theta brain wave states creating the basis of your “model of the world”. 

Forming your identity, how you see yourself and your ideas about the world. What you believe about money, success, love and your capabilities. 

This is your foundation that filters how you see and do everything.

With hypnosis, you access those theta brain wave states that accelerate reprogramming your mind (and deleting the viruses) to eliminate any limitations that hold you back from your true potential.

Experience Transformative Change

Through a three-phase process:

  • Uncover Your Blocks

    Discover the subconscious barriers that are hindering your progress. This phase involves identifying the deep-seated beliefs and patterns that are obstructing your path to success.

  • Reprogram Your Mind

    Utilize the power of hypnosis to access theta brainwaves, which are crucial for creating new neural pathways. This stage is about rewiring your brain, fostering new, positive thought patterns and beliefs for a renewed sense of self.

  • Integrate Confidence

    Embrace the transformation into your exceptional self. This final phase is about fully stepping into your newfound confidence and capabilities, enabling you to craft an extraordinary life.

What My Clients Say

“My life, motivation, career has taken an entire 180. One of the biggest transformations of my career & personal mindset and I am forever grateful for Kyra's work. ”

Brandi, Founder, Entrepreneur

“So many mindset blocks were discovered and conquered. Anyone who wants to up level their life, their mindset, and their business should work with Kyra. ”

Rachael A, Entrepreneur

“This investment came back 10x. Experienced $75000 & $85000 back to back launches without the constant anxiety. I finally feel deserving of my success, reached a new level of confidence thus landing even bigger opportunities as I scale. ”

Jiordana Saade, Entrepreneur

“Since working with Kyra I have more control over my life. I have a new found peace (goodbye anxiety) and this has allowed me to spend more time in my zone of genius. ”

Chanel B, Entrepreneur

Meet Kyra

My name is Kyra.

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in serving entrepreneurs. I recognize and know that your challenges are unique, and my Mindset Currency™ framework is crafted specifically to tackle the struggles faced by entrepreneurs and founders, aiming to maximize their professional potential & personal happiness. 

Qualifications & Certifications:

  • American Board of Hypnotherapy 
  • American Board of NLP
  • Time Line Therapy Association
  • B.Comm Specialist Finance & Economics 


  • Will I black out or be mind controlled during hypnosis?

    You are fully awake and can hear everything I am saying. You won’t “feel hypnotized”.

    It’s a deep state of relaxation that feels like meditation. What happens in hypnosis is that you are moving into a trance state, accessing theta brain waves states which promote higher neuroplasticity.

    These states are similar to when you just wake up in the morning or get lost in flow states (creativity, a good book or a movie).

    The purpose is so you can bypass the barrier so we can access your subconscious mind to embed powerful, empowering suggestions that line up with your goals.

    Although you are in a state of higher suggestibility, I cannot give you a suggestion that goes against your moral.

  • How does hypnosis work?

    As Dr Tara Swart MD PhD states “Neuroplasticity is the incredible ability of the brain to change throughout our lives. It’s the fact that every time we learn or do something new, our brain changes. Our brains are also shaped and molded by everything we experience – both positively and negatively. We can take agency over this to expand our horizons and manifest the things we want in life, rather than reinforcing the negative narrative in our subconscious brain."

    The process of reprogramming takes place when you use visualization in your subconscious to portray higher self-worth behaviors, beliefs, outcomes, or experiences.

    Each positive visualization and belief reinforces a new, empowered narrative in your mind, reinforcing new high self-worth behavior, ultimately deepening new neural pathways. It's about harnessing the power of neuroplasticity & theta brain wave states to reshape your subconscious beliefs and take control of a life of worthiness and success.

    To solidify lasting change, it's essential to take steps that align with your newly formed neural pathways.

    These actions transform subconscious beliefs of worthiness into real-world outcomes.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Here's the policy:

    I Do Not Offer Refunds on This Product, No Exceptions.

    Here's why I've made this decision:

    I Believe in Personal Responsibility.

    When you purchase my product, I trust that you are committing to fully utilize what it offers.

    If you change your mind or decide not to put in the effort it requires, I don't consider these as valid reasons for a refund.

    This policy is about respecting and adhering to the commitments you make to yourself.

    Digital products are unique; once you've purchased and accessed them, they can't really be 'returned'; digital products are particularly prone to misuse.

    I aim to ensure fairness for all my customers and to protect the value of the digital products I've created.

Unleash Your Potential Today